New Rule (scroll down for Rule that was repealed)
ACTION DATE: 02/06/2015
EFFECTIVE DATE: 03/13/2015
Chapter 630-X-13
Practice of Optometry Through Telemedicine (New Chapter)
Chapter 630 x 13
630 x 13.01 Definitions
630 x 13.02 Optometric Telemedicine
630 x 13.03 On-site Optometrist
630 x 13.04 Security Measures for Electronic Mail
630 x 13.05 Communication in Patient Records
630 x 13.06 Alternative Forms of Communication
630 x 13.07 Patient Records
630 x 13.08 Emergency Telemedicine
630 x 13.01 Definitions
(1) Distant Site Provider. A provider of optometric services through
telemedicine from a site other than the patient's then current location.
A distant site provider shall hold an active Alabama optometry license
as set out in § 34-22-20 and § 34-22-21 of the Alabama Code.
(2) Emergency. A situation or condition where failure to provide
immediate treatment poses a threat of loss of sight to a person. For the
purposes hereof, routine visual care shall not be an emergency.
(3) Established Treatment Site. A location where a patient shall
present to seek optometric care (through telemedicine). An established
treatment site shall have an optometrist licensed by the Alabama Board
of Optometry present on site during the provision of any telemedicine to
a patient, and there must exist between said optometrist and patient an
optometrist-patient relationship. There shall be sufficient equipment
and technology present at any established treatment site to allow for an
adequate physical evaluation as appropriate for the patient's
presenting complaint. A patient's home is not considered an established
treatment site.
(4) Face-to-face Visit. An evaluation or appointment for treatment at
which both the provider and patient are at the same physical location,
or where the patient is at an established treatment site and the
provider is a distant site provider.
(5) In-person Evaluation. A patient evaluation conducted by a provider
who is at the same physical location as the location of the client.
(6) Provider. As used in this chapter the term "provider" shall mean an
optometrist holding an active license to practice optometry granted by
the Alabama Board of Optometry in accordance with § 34-22-20 and §
34-22-21 of the Alabama Code.
(7) Telemedicine. As used in these regulations, a health service that
is delivered by a licensed optometrist acting within the scope of his or
her license and that requires the use of telecommunications technology
other than telephone or facsimile. Telecommunications technology as used
herein shall include, but not be limited to:
(a) compressed digital interactive video, audio, or data transmission;
(b) clinical data transmission using computer imaging by way of still image capture and store and forward;
(c) other technology that facilitates access to health care services or optometric specialty services.
630 x 13.02 Optometric Telemedicine
(1) The provision of optometric diagnosis, treatment, or other services
to a patient through telemedicine at an established treatment site may
be used for all patient visits, including initial evaluations to
establish an optometrist-patient relationship between a provider and a
(2) A distant site provider who provides telemedicine services to a
patient that is not present at an established treatment site shall
ensure that a proper provider-patient relationship is established, which
shall include at least the following:
(a) Having had at least one face-to-face meeting, either In person, or
at an established treatment site via telecommunications technology as
set out in 630 x 13.01 (7);
(b) Confirming the identity of the person requesting treatment by
establishing that the person requesting the treatment Is in fact whom he
or she claims to be.
(3) Evaluation, treatment, and consultation recommendations made via
telemedicine, including, but not limited to the issuance of
prescriptions, shall be held to the same standards of practice as those
in traditional in-person clinical settings. The provision of optometric
diagnosis, treatment, or other services through telemedicine shall
comply with the requirements of the Alabama Code, this chapter, ana
these regulations. Failure to comply with such requirements shall be
considered a failure to meet standard of care as required by
630-X-12-.06 herein.
(4) Distant site providers shall obtain an adequate and complete
medical history for the patient before providing treatment and shall
document the medical history In the patient record.
630 x 13.03 On-site Optometrist
A provider may delegate tasks and activities at an established
treatment site to an assistant who Is properly trained, supervised, and
directed. There shall be, however, an Alabama-licensed optometrist
present and available to assist with the provision of care at any
established treatment site during the provision of optometric
630 x 13.04 Security Measures for Electronic Mail
Adequate measures shall be taken to ensure the security of all patient
communications through electronic mail, and that said information
remains confidential. Electronic mail includes any type-written
communication that is transferred via the Internet, telephone or cable
line, or cellular telephone service, but shall not include facsimile, or
"fax" communications. Providers of optometric telemedicine shall, prior
to providing optometric telemedicine services, establish and adopt
written policies and procedures to ensure the security of patient
communications, recordings, and records transferred by electronic mail.
Policies shall be evaluated periodically so that they remain up-to-date.
The written policies and procedures for such security measures for
electronic mail shall address all of the following:
(1) Confidentiality and integrity of patient-identifiable information;
(2) The identity—by position or title—of health care personnel who will
process or otherwise have access to information sent by electronic
(3) Hours of operation and availability of the provider and distant site provider;
(4) Types of transaction which shall be permitted electronically;
(5) The type of information to be included in the communication, such
as patient name, identification number, and type of transaction;
(6) How and when electronic mail will be archived and retrieved;
(7) Mechanisms for the oversight of the processing, handling, storage, and archival of electronic mail.
630 x 13.05 Communication in Patient Records
All relevant provider-patient electronic communications, including
recordings and electronic mail shall be stored and filed in or with the
patient's record in addition to any other storage methods.
630 x 13.06 Alternative Forms of Communication
All patients who are served through optometric telemedicine shall be
informed of alternative forms of contacting their provider for urgent
matters. Conventional telephone numbers used by a provider for
traditional on-site optometry shall be sufficient[.]
630 x 13.07 Patient Records
(1) Patient records shall be maintained for
all telemedicine services. The provider or distant site provider shall
maintain the records created at any site where treatment or evaluation
is provided.
(2) Patient records shall include copies of all relevant
patient-related electronic communications, including relevant
provider-patient email, prescriptions, laboratory and rest results,
evaluations and consultation, records of past care, medical histories,
and instructions. If possible, telemedicine encounters that are recorded
electronically shall also be included in the patient record. Where
means of storage will not allow for the storage of electronically
recorded encounters with or in the patient record, the patient record
shall include a notation or entry that the recording exists and the
location and means of storage of such recording.
630 x 13.08 Emergency Telemedicine
(1) An optometrist who is licensed by another state to practice
optometry, but who is not licensed in the state of Alabama pursuant to
§§ 34-22-20 or 34-22-21, who utilizes telemedicine to provide optometric
services in the state of Alabama from a distant site outside of the
state of Alabama during a state of emergency is not subject to the
requirements of this article. For the purposes of this section 13.08(1),
a state of emergency means a natural or man-made disaster for which the
Governor of the State of Alabama has declared or proclaimed a state of
emergency or where the President of the United States has declared a
disaster in accordance with the Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance
Act of 1988 as amended. For the exemption contained in this section to
apply, the patient receiving telemedicine services from the distant site
must be located within the geographical boundaries established In the
governor's declaration of a state of emergency or the president's
disaster declaration.
(2) A provider who is contacted in an emergency shall not be subject to
the notice and security provisions of this article, the provisions of
this section 13.08(2) shall not apply to any non-emergency optometric
services provided to the patient as a continuation of treatment
initiated in the emergency or for a different condition or issue which
arises later. For the purposes of this section 13.08(2), an emergency
shall have the meaning and definition set out in section 13.01(2) above.
Author: Dr. Fred Wallace
Statutory Authority: Code of Ala., 1975, §34-22-80 through 87.
History: New Rule: Filed February 6, 2015; effective March 13, 2015 .