Under the Florida Telemedicine Rule, Can a Physical be Conducted by Telemedicine? Yes, a physical can be conducted via telemedicine under the Florida Standards for Telemedicine Practice (64B8-9.0141) provided that certain requirements are met. As the Florida Board of Medicine conveyed in its Rules/Legislative Committee Meeting - Meeting Report from its October 9, 2014 meeting:
At the August meeting, the Committee approved draft language for [the Florida Standards for Telemedicine Practice] rule. Subsequently, the Board received additional comments which were presented for discussion by the Committee.
Mr. Tellechea referred to a letter from the Crystal Stickle with the Florida Hospital Association indicating concerns about a physical being conducted via telemedicine. He said he told her a physical could be conducted via telemedicine if the patient already had a recent examination or if there is a licensed health care practitioner with the patient on one end who conducts the physical examination with the physician watching.
After discussion, the members agreed a physical could be conducted via telemedicine, but the standard of care is still the standard of care even if the examination is done via telemedicine.
A motion was made, seconded and carried unanimously to recommend authorizing Mr. Tellechea to communicate the Committee’s comments to Ms. Sickle.
Mr. Tellechea then summarized the letter from JAPC. Afterwards, he suggested sending a letter to JAPC thanking them for the comments but leaving the language as currently written.
A motion was made, seconded and carried unanimously to recommend authorizing Mr. Tellechea to send a letter to JAPC thanking them for the comments but the Board does not want to change the language.
Posted by Tatiana Melnik November 29, 2014.