Healthcare Finance News: Safety Rankings: Should Hospitals Care?
May 28, 2014: Kelsey Brimmer, writing for Healthcare Finance News, quotes Tatiana Melnik in her article discussing the safety scores of 2,591 U.S. hospitals released by Consumer Reports.
"[A]ny bad press resulting from rankings is sure to impact hospitals, said Tatiana Melnik, an attorney working in the healthcare industry at Melnik Legal in Tampa, Fla. News organizations pay attention to publications like Consumer Reports because it is so well respected, and if the hospital in town is high on the list for mortality or facility-acquired infections, that's going to get noticed."
"Bad press does impact revenue and overcoming bad press is an expensive proposition," says Melnik.
The complete article by Kelsey Brimmer published in Healthcare Finance News can be read online here - Safety Rankings: Should Hospitals Care?
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