CNBC: Better your Business - 5 Ways to Sell Your Business at a Peak Price in 2014
January 7 2014: Elaine Pofeldt of CNBC quotes Tatiana Melnik in a story discussing the opportunities for small business owners to sell their business in 2014 and the steps business owners need to take prior to selling their business.
Business owners who wish to sell their business must put their ducks in a row to optimize opportunities to sell.
Aside from getting their books in order and getting valuations from reputable firms, business owners must also protect their intellectual property.
"If you need to get a patent for something, that's something you need to consider very early in the process," said Tatiana Melnik, an attorney in Tampa, Fla., who works with both start-ups and established businesses. "Spend the time trademarking your company name. Get copyright protection for whatever you are developing. All of that has value."
Sometimes owners who do this discover that they have been infringing on the trademark of another business unwittingly. You'll be much better off if you find out early and fix the situation before you're in talks with a buyer. "A lot of times people don't find out until they're considering selling," Melnik said.
CNBC, published online at - Read the full article here: 5 Ways to Sell Your Business at a Peak Price in 2014
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